Dr. Mariano has published over 300 research and other articles. For an updated list of his publications with links to the abstracts, please visit:
As a member of the National Academy of Medicine Action Collaborative Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic, Dr. Mariano has co-authored a discussion paper with the pain management workgroup: Best Practices, Research Gaps, and Future Priorities to Support Tapering Patients on Long-Term Opioid Therapy for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain in Outpatient Settings.

Dr. Mariano writes the section on acute perioperative pain management in adults for UpToDate. UpToDate is one of the most widely used evidence-based, physician-authored clinical decision support tools in the world.
Dr. Mariano has published a highly-cited editorial in Anaesthesia, “Future directions in regional anaesthesia: not just for the cognoscenti,” in which he and his colleagues reimagine basic training in regional anesthesia for residents and all anesthesiologists in general practice. This has led to an international project recommending an updated curriculum for non-fellowship regional anesthesia training.

Dr. Mariano has worked on international consensus recommendations on anesthetic care for patients undergoing primary hip and knee arthroplasty as well as the prevention of opioid‐related harm in adult surgical patients.

Dr. Mariano and his collaborators formed the ADAPT (Anesthesiology-Directed Advanced Procedural Training) Research Group to study medical education methods, simulation, and the process of implementing evidence-based techniques in clinical practice. The first randomized study by the ADAPT research group was funded by the Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research and published in the Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. The ADAPT research group’s review article on simulation in teaching regional anesthesia published in Local and Regional Anesthesia is available open access, and Dr. Mariano has co-authored an article in Anaesthesia on contemporary training methods in regional anesthesia. The ADAPT group has explored the use of emerging technology, including eye tracking, to advance the science of teaching and learning as well as the development of expertise. To see a list of Dr. Mariano’s ADAPT and simulation research articles, click here.
Dr. Mariano has also published chapters in the following textbooks available at most online bookstores: